The Washoe Rim Trail can be split into five sections

Virginia Range

The Virginia Range section hikes the extent of the Virginia Range from South Washoe Lake along the historic Ophir and Gieger Grades into Viringia City Nevada, then into the Long Valley and Lagomarsino Canyon Lands and onto the Truckee River at Lockwood Nevada.

Pah Rah Range

This section hikes into the Pah Rah Range starting the Truckee River and ending in Spanish Springs Nevada. This is the driest section of trail.

Junction House Range

This section hike crosses the Junction House Range from Spanish Springs to Golden Valley. Sun screen and sun glasses are a nice to have.

Peavine Range

This section summits Peavine Peak and hikes through the Peavine Range backcountry and takes a moment to catch it's breath and get a drink in Verdi.

Carson Range

The Carson Range section traverses the Carson Range starting on the Truckee River at Verdi Nevada, through the Mt. Rose Wilderness, along the Tahoe Rim Trail and down to the Virginia Range via Lakeview Summit Pass.

Download the GPX file route for the Washoe Rim Trail v0.1